Tuesday 16 July 2013

Narrowing the Gap

For the #MFLTwitterati requesting Narrowing the Gap feedback, please find my handout below. I shall endeavour to let you have the ideas from other departments by email, as you request!

Having read through the Narrowing the Gap document, we have recognised 5 areas that we will implement in our Schemes of Work, our policies and our ethos from September 2013 to enhance learning and secure progress for all students. This has come as a result of feedback from students, learning walks, observations and book trawls throughout the year.

·         Reflection and redrafting post-marking

·         Consistency within in the department (specifically with a non-UK teacher starting in September)

·         Use of data and accountability, with a focus on progress

·         A further understanding and collating of data regarding Student Progress v KS2 data

·         Development of Homework Tasks 

What have we done this half term?

·         All students in KS3 were given preparation time for their answers on the writing and speaking papers. This is rather than expecting spontaneous responses, as the students still do not have the confidence to succeed in this. The huge majority did this well and took the opportunity.

(My concern is that our student cohort does not know how to learn off-by-heart or really know how to revise, but that has to be a whole-school approach and initiative – and early!)

·         All students have completed an end-of-year questionnaire, and the results are being compared to last summer’s, to see how the changes have worked. Feedback will also be used to inform planning for September 2013.

·         The structure of the last 4 weeks following exam week have been changed completely, and as we are not constrained by monitoring levels, the entire focus is on engagement, enrichment and enjoyment. Most French groups are being taught a start course of German, which has been incredibly well received, and the attitudes of the students have been very positive, on the whole.  Year 9s (ELA and LJM) are working on a Grease project, to overlap with their work in Dance. This has been incredibly well received, which is brilliant
A specific group was targeted this half term, based on concerns at the start of the year regarding baselines.

8U3 began Year 8 on a wide range of levels: Level 1 (9%), Level 2 (27%), Level 3 (50%) and Level 4 (14%). I would expect students to end Year 7 on level 3 or 4. In the group, there are 3 FSM, 2EAL and 13 SEN students. The concern with the group was behaviour and engagement, as well as a number of students already below target. The group was also a split group, shared between LJM and LCA. The SoW had to be adapted to the needs of the group, and to support LCA, as a non-specialist. This half term we have supported the group with revision and preparation for the exams. It was also essential that the majority of students made as much progress as possible to ready them for Year 9. The results are clear to see: Level 2 (4%), Level 3 (42%), Level 4 (54%). On average, the students made 3 sub-levels of progress this year. Only one student did not make progress, that is due to an absolute lack of engagement and behaviour concerns.

What are we doing in readiness for next year?

·         Reflection and redrafting post-marking

The MFL Marking Policy (attached) has been written for September, with improvement and reflection as a main focus, for all members of the department to follow.

·         Consistency within in the department

Luke and I have worked hard this year to make sure that the non-specialists delivering MFL are completely supported regarding levels, progression, challenge, resources, reporting and delivery. New policies will be written in time for September, so that Geraldine has a ‘bible’ of expectations and understanding.

·         Use of data and accountability, with a focus on progress

KS3 Students will continue to monitor their levels on a half-termly basis by using the Level Tracker Graphs in the front of their books, which they use to good effect.

·         A further understanding and collating of data regarding Student Progress v KS2 data
  •     Development of Homework Tasks  


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